Becky co-founded the Brain Tumour and Injury Chaity in 2009 after her husband was diagnosed with a lift threatening brain tumour, a situation that deeply impacted her family.
Mandy has joined us to assist us with our fundraising through various events that involve the community. She will execute fundraising campaigns, events or activities to generate financial support for the charity.
Marios is a dedicated counsellor within our charity, specialising in aiding individuals with Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) and other life altering issues.
Edyta started with the charity in March 2022, supporting clients and their families. Her primary responsibilites are wrap around care, allotment activities, and physical training.
Carmel, an experienced integrative counsellor and complementary therapist, has extensive experience working with adults facing mental, physical and spiritual challenges across diverse environments.