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Many of these symptoms are extremely common and experiencing one by itself is rarely a sign of a brain tumour. Symptoms of  a brain tumour can vary depending on the tumour's size, location and rate of growth. Remember, these symptoms can also be caused by conditions other than brain tumours.


If you are experiencing persistent or severe symptoms, it is crucial to consult a healthcare professional for proper evaluation and diagnosis.


Some common symptoms include:



Headaches are one of the most common symptoms of a brain tumour. Headaches that are usually more severe in the morning and that may not respond to the usual headache treatments.


Woman in Bed


A constant feeling of exhaustion or lack of energy which is unexplained.  Can also affect concentration and sleep patterns.

Healthy Food

Loss of Taste & Smell

Loss of taste and smell can be linked to other health conditions but it is a rare symptom that can be linked to brain tumours.

Tube Lights


A seizure is a common symptom. It is a sudden uncontrolled burst of electrical activity in the brain that can cause changes in behaviour, movement or consciousness.

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Cognitive Changes

Cognitive change include difficulties with concentration, learning, decision making, memory and changes in personality and behaviour.

Holding Soap Bars

Motor Skill Problems

Weakness, numbness or paralysis in one part of the body.  Lack of coordination and walking unsteadily.


Vision Changes

Sudden changes to your vision, double vision, blurred vision, loss of vision or abnormal movements



Stomach Pain


Nausea & vomiting are common symptoms associated with brain tumours due to increased pressure inside the skull.

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Speech Difficulties

Trouble speaking, understanding speech, or articulating words. May also include the loss of ability to write.

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