If you or your loved one experiences a seizure, it is important to consult a healthcare professional or go to A & E, as this could be related to a serious condition including a brain tumour.
There are more than 30 types of seizures. The most common types of seizure associated with a brain tumour are focal awareness seizures and focal impaired awareness seizures and also partial focal seizure.
Partial Focal Seizure.
When the seizure does not affect awareness, this is known to be a simple partial seizure. they are also known as auras.
Simple partial seizures can
Motor Affect the muscles - motor
Sensory Affect the senses - sensory
Affect automatically controlled functions - autonomic
Affect thoughts or feelings - pyschic
You could experience some of the symptoms shown below:
Changes in vision and/or dilated pupils
Muscle tightening
Unusual head movements
Blank stares
Eyes moving from side to side
Numbness or tingling
Skin crawling (like ants crawling on the skin)
Hallucinations- seeing, smelling, or hearing things not real
Pain or discomfort
Flushed face and/or sweating
Rapid heart rate or pulse
Déjà vu feeling (feeling like current place and time have been experienced before)
Changes in mood or emotion
Unable to speak for a short while
Focal Awareness Seizure
Focal seizures specifically impact one area of the brain, potentially affecting either your movement or altering your level of consciousness and awareness.
A focal awareness seizure, often associated with a brain tumour, is a type of seizure that affects a specific area of the brain. During this seizure a person may experience altered sensations, emotions or perceptions while remaining conscious and aware of their surroundings. The symptoms can vary widely depending on the part of the brain affected, and they might include unusual smells, tastes, emotions, or brief hallucinations. These seizures typically last for a short duration and may occur repeatedly.
Focal Impaired Awareness Seizure
A focal impaired awareness seizure is a type if seizure that originates in a specific area of the brain and can lead to altered consciousness. This seizure might cause a person to appear confused, disoriented, or unaware of their surroundings. They might engage in repetitive movements, exhibit staring spells, or experience various automatic behaviours without any recollection of the event afterward.